Tuesday 4 July 2017


Text: 1 Peter 4:10-11, Ephesians 5:15-16, Haggai 2:8


Eliezer chu apupa Abraham dinga neiching kitahtah khat anahi. Eihon jong Eliazar hi kihilna a iman uva kitah tah a ipan diu ahi. Eliezar kitipa hi achan chi akiha hetbeh pon ahi. Ahinlah hichi mipa hin Abraham hinkho a panmun lentah anei e. Genesis 15:2 na ah Eliezar hi Abraham neiching tin akimun ahi. Steward kiti teng a ahileh midang khat thil vesui a pang tina ahi. Eliezar chung chang thu a chun, amahi apupa Abraham thil vetsui in ana pang in avet kol ding atam e. Ajeh chu Abraham chu mi haosa tah khat anahin ahi.

Eliezer chu Abraham neijouse chunga avesui dinga mopohna apeh ahin ahi. Ama mopohna chu Abraham insung a thil leh lo ho, business ho jangkei a kisuhmo na umlou a achilhah di chu ahi. Neiching khat ahina a chu apupa Abrahm deibang a thil ho avet tup ngai ahi.
Hitichun Abraham chun Eliezar chu kitah na ho ahen kingap nathei ahi ti an het phat in, achapa Isaac jiding hol in anasol in ahi. Genesis 24 lam a chun Eliezar in ajinu ding Pathen gingmi khat ahool ngai tan ahi. Hitichun Eliezer in Pathen kithopi na jal in Isaac ji ding in Rebecah ahin mudoh tan ahi.
Abraham in ichan in Isaac a din natoh hahsa koipeh jongleh, apupa in boldinga aseipeh ho chu kitah tah le lolhing tah in abol jin ahi. Kahin seiloo napen chu ahileh Eliezar kitipa hi eiho jouse dinga kihil na phatah ahi jeh a ama thusim chu kahin tah lang ahi.

Deuteronomy 10:14 lam ah chun phatah in akisun in ahi. Pathen in van leh leiset leh asung a  umjouse ana sem in ahi. Pathen in hichi ho jouse chunga mopoh na leh avetup dia mihem te akoi ahi. Pathen in asemsa ho jouse chingtup dia mopohna eipeh u ahi.
Tuni hin Good Stewards (Neiching phatah) hithei na dinga point thum tabang kahin tah lang nom in ahi.

1. Spiritual Gifts (1 Peter 4:10-11):
Amasapen a neiching pha ihithei nadiu va demonstrate ibol na diu chu Spiritual gifts ahi. 1 Peter 4:10 na a chun spiritual gifts man dan kichihtah in atahlang in ahi. Hichi gift mi khat cheh in aneipa chu khat leh khat kithopi naleh kijen to na man ding dan jong akimun ahi. Mijousen gift akinei cheh in ahi. Chuleh hichi gift chu khat leh khat kijen naleh kithopi na a man ding, ahahsa, agenthei, angaicha ho kithopi na a pan nathei a pan ding ahi. Hichi gift inei pau hi eima eima capacity dungjui a Pathen in eipih u ahin, hichi eima capacity dung jui a chu Pathen na itoh diu ahi. I gift pau chu phatah a Pathen loupe na dinga iman teng a ahileh neiching phatah ihithei diu ahi.

Romans 12:6-8 lam chu ivet leh Paul in kitah tah a spiritual gifts iman diu eihil un ahi. Teaching, encouragement, exhortation, Giving, Helping, Cheerfulness, Acting, Singing etc. Hichi Pathen in gift eipeh u hi mijouse a akibang poi, ahinlah athupi na akibang cheh ahin ahi. Mi khat a chu thupi chom jong ahideh poi. Ahinlah mi khat chu a gift chu active tah a ahin manchah teng leh amang them loupe toh chun aki khet na hung umji ahi. Chuteng leh Lhagao lam a amadia khantouna leh mihon vetjui thei na ahin neithei u ahi.  

Pathe in eipeh u gift ho hi ahina ding banga iman u hinam? Ahilou leh iman lou u ham? Matthew 25:14-30 lam chu ivet leh mi khatchun a gift chu itabanga aman hinam, kitah tah a Pathen loupe nadia aman hinam tichu Pathen in thu ahin tan ding ahi. Pathen in nabolpha tangei e eihin tithei na diu vem? Ahhilou leh wicked slave pa tabnga chun Pathen chu ichunga along hang dem? Eima chunga aki ngam in ahi.  EIma gift chu ipi ham ti ikihet cheh diu ahi. Mi kimkhat dingchun, lasah hintin (singing), kimkhat ding chun mi kitthopi na hintin (helping), mi kimkhat ding chun mihil (teaching) hintin, mi tilkhou (encouragement), acting, dancing, etc. Hichi gift dungjui cheh a chu ipiti Pathen in eipeh u talent leh gift a ch Pathen na itoh diu ham tihi iki gel diu deisah aumin ahi.

2. Time (Ephesians 5:15-16):
Neiching phatah (Good stewards) hithei na dinga a step nina chu ahileh Pathen in phat (time) eipih u phate cha a man ding hi ahi. I neo lai uva hinkho hi sot tah banga kigel vang hin, athengtah a chu hinkho hi chomcha bou ahi. Eima ho leh eima ho iki doh jing diu khat chu Pathen in phat eipih hi chingthei tah a Kaman hinam tipa hi ahi. Paul in Ephesians 5:15-16, nah a phatah in asun in ahi. “Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time.”(Hijeh chun iti nachon um chingthei un kihong phauvin. Mi lungbei ho banga chon louvin, mi chingho bangin chon un. Tulai nikho aphat tahlou jeh hin phat kijen pet cha hi kichoh un).

Neiching phatah ihi nau va Pathen deibanga ama loupe na dinga phat iman u hinam? Ahilouleh iphat u hi imoh suhmang uva, leiset nopsah na a ama deilou a iman chah uvam> Pathen toh ikikah relationship semna dia phat ijat ipeh u vem? Taona hinkho leh Bible simna a iphat u ijat ipeh jiu vem? Eima leh eima kisemphat na dia phat ijat ipeh uvem? I hinkho uva hin lhahsam na akinei cheh in ahi. Question ikoi nom u chu ahileh hichi ilhahsam na ho leh Pathen deilou a i chon naho khel na dia phat ichan ipeh uvem? Hinkho thah a hin thei na dinga chuleh Pathen deibang hinkho mang mipa minu hithei na dia phat ijat ipeh khah uvem? 

Galatians 6:10, “While we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” Thilpha bol na ding lampi hi tamtah aumin ahi.
Matthew 5:16, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”(Hichi bang chun navah uchu miho angah kilang hen, chuteng amahon na chonphat nau chu muthei yun tin chuleh van a um nap au chu avahchoi dingu ahi).

3. Money (Haggai 2:8):
Achaina a neiching phatah ihithei na diu chu sum chunga mopohna ahi. Phat tamjo in eihon sum inei pau hi aneipa dan in ikigel ji un, atheng tah a chu aneipa chu Pathen ahin eiho hi a chingtup bou a ipan ua hi. (Ezekiel 16:17; Haggai 2:8). Sum leh pai inei hou hi nitin a ikiman chah na ho suhbulhit dia pathen in eipih u ahi.

Pathen in ei nganse nau Neiching phatah hithei na dinga Question 2 ikidoh diu deisah umin ahi.

Firstly, Pathen sum ipeh chu ahina ding bangtah a iman chah u hinam?
Sum ineipau hi Pathen sum ahi ti ihet uva, eima sum ahipoi iti teng leh sum chu kimoh man thei pon ahi. Achina ding dol louva akiman chah nom pon ahi. Sum iman chah pau hi alamdol a chi hinam ahilou leh alamdol louva iman u vam? Neiching phatah hina dinga chun Pathen in ipeh u sum chu ahina ding dol a iman chah u angai in ahi. Nikho hung lhung ding ahi, Pathen in mihem te thu ahin tan nikho teng leh ama masanga accountable ihi diu hinam?

Secondly, Pathen lenggam a dia sum leh pai ito jing u hinam?  
Pathen mite chu ama leng gam kehlet be na dia chu sum a kiphaltah a kipeh na hi neijing angai in ahi. Maicham, offering, hopsom chuleh eima voluntary a kiphal na ho chu jokham kham a peh jing ding ahi.

Bible a thilpeh chung chang a kimang jing khat chu 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 ahi.
Pasal chapng khat hi ana umin ahi. Amapa hi houin kai dinga ahung doh in, Rs.10 coins anei in ahi. Rs.5 chu ice cream kichoh na ding atin, Rs.5 chu offering ding ahi. Huipi hat tah ahung nung in ahileh Rs.5 chu lampi a canal sungah akitah lhahsah tan ahileh, Pathen na sum peh ding kati chu akileh lhatai, themmo nei hin chan hih in an ti doh in ahi.  

Eiho jong hichi chapang pa banga chun ium nakal u atam jin ahi. Sum ihin mu teng u leh, choh ding man na ding adim jin ahi. Chuteng leh, som a khat peh ding ahung umji lout eng le, akit teng leh alom in kipeh that ante ti lunggel ahung umjin ahi. Hichi chu ahung um teng leh akit tengleh abep bep ahikit jitan ahi. Chuteng leh kitahtah a som a khat chu peh ding bang in ahin kipe jou jip on ahi. 
Pathen in hichu ipi ati am atileh “GUCHA” (Robery) tia akou ahi.  
Malachi 3:8-12, “Mihem in Pathen achom ngai hinam? Nanghon keima neichom u pi hi. Ahinlah nanghon iti nangma kachom diu ham? Natiuve. Na hopsom tolou jeh uleh thilto ding natolou jeh uva neichom u ahiye. Hitia keima neichom jeh uva najat pumpiu va naki gaosap soh hel u ahitan, na chung uva gaosapna chua ahitai. Hopsom lhingset in hintoh uvin lang thilkholna insungah lhutsoh keiyun, chutengleh keima houin sunga nehleh chah thalhing ding ahi. Chutengleh keijeng jong nei patep uvin, tin thaneipen Pakaiyin aseijin, nangho dia vangam bangkot jouse kahon doh a nangho dinga phatthei na chu twi sunna kasun lhah ding, aletlha hel a sunglha louva ka umlou hel ding ahi. ”
Hichilai text a hin Pathen in kamite Israel ten eichom uve anatin ahi, ajeh chu hopsom leh maicham ana pepou vin ahi. Ahileh ipi jeh pen tah a chu Israel te chun Pathen a pehding a lom chu ana pehlou u ham? Ajehchu amaho gel dan a chu amaho income toh avet uleh afford abol jou lou diu chu akihet jeh uva chu ahipen in ahi.

Pathen in adonbut na chu ahileh Nanei namu hou chu kakemsuh sah ahitai ajeh chu amaho chu sapsetna achung uva chu ahitai. Pathe a dia pehdi lom ho kitah tah a apeh lou jeh uva, amuthei nauleh a haosat nau chu Pathen in asuh tang ahi.
Ahinlah pathen in thutepna (promise) anabol in ahi. Hichu ipi ham itileh, Tahsan na neipum a Pathen a peh dinga lom hopsom, maicham ho ahin peh uleh valset a phatthei kaboh ding ahi atin ahi.   
Hichi passage hi Old Testament lai a ahi in eiho context toh akitoh poi tia gel jong ium Meithei u ahi. Hichu igel uleh hung dihlou ding ahi. Mitheng Paul in hitabang thupeh hi 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 sung ah ana tahlang kit in ahi.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8, “Ahivangin hichi thudol a hin alhom tua chun alhom at ding, chuleh atam tua chun atam at ding ahi. Lungphat mo pump um leh peh louva phamo tia pelou vin, nalung got bangtah cheh in peuvin, ijeh inem itileh lunglhai sel a pea chu Pathen in angailui. Chuleh imalam jousea imatih chana ijakai a bulhing soh nahiuva natohpha tintang natoh theina ding uva , Pathen in lungset na letset nangho napeh theiyu ahi.”
Steward phatah ihi nau vah hin Pathen hi imajouse a ichung nun sah diu ahi. Pathen akitep na chu ahileh sumleh pai hihen lang, thil leh lo hijong leh kitah tah a ama pehdinga lom ipeh leh ajat ja a phatthei na eiboh diu ahi.  

Good steward hithei na ding chun lampi chom chom um nante, hijongleh tunia isei nom pen u chu hichi area 3 ho hi ahi. Firstly, Pathen in Spiritual gift eipih u hi phatah a man them ding. Secondly, Pathen in phat (time) eipih uhi kitup sel cha a iman chah diu. Thirdly, Sum, neileh gou ho jouse hi Pathe a ahin, achi na ding dol a manchah ding chuleh Pathe a peding a lom ho phatah a ipeh diu pa hi ahi.

Chuti henlang hileh Pathen jong ichung uvah kipah in tin chuleh asemsa ho chunga mopohna eipih u hikitup tah a isuh bulhit thei diu ahi. Pathen in asemsa ho chunga avetup ding leh avesui a eipan sah u hieiho dinga priviledge lentah khat ahi. Hichi hi phatah a serious tah aigel diu imopoh nau hi kitah tah a itoh diu ahi. Chuti hen lang hileh Pathen in jong soh kitah nabol pha tangei e eiti thei diu ahi.   

Becoming a Champion

Topic: Becoming a Champion
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-5

It is said of Abraham Lincoln, that before he became one of the greatest presidents America has ever had, that he tried but failed in many different positions, but with the spirit of determination, he was able to become the president of this country in 1860. Abraham had in him a desire and a determination to be a champion. Do we ever have that desire to be a champion in our life? Do we ever had that spirit and determination, to be even a champion in our class, village or in any area of our life?

When Paul was writing his second letter to a young man Timothy in 2 Timothy, he challenged this young minister to strive, to endure hardness to become a champion of Jesus. From the time Paul was converted, he himself endured hardness, persecutions and afflictions, that he became a great champion of Jesus Christ. By the time he wrote his second letter to this young man Timothy, he had already done his best for Jesus that he even felt he was ready to die as a great champion of his master Jesus Christ. To Paul standing a few hours before his persecution, he knew he was not just losing his life but was giving it up for Jesus who died for him, he was ready to die because he had done his best for his master.

Many times we are blinded by the possessions of this world yet time comes and we live them all behind. But we can be confident like Paul if only we have lived our lives for Jesus. One thing that helped Paul to keep on keeping on was a fact that he was constantly looking forward to the great and glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ, he lifted up his eyes beyond every obstacle and challenge in his way he realized that Jesus is the only answer to all the longings in this world.
This letter is not only for Timothy but a challenge most especially to us young people living in the very end time, that in all our ambitions in life, all our endeavours in life, this desire should be above all others, to become champions of Jesus Christ. As like Paul, this is the greatest achievement a young man can attain in this world, the same made Paul died with hope that he had indeed fought a good fight.

Illustration: A young man was dying from cancer, he said he was not afraid of cancer but he was afraid to die because he felt he had not done enough with his strength for Jesus who died for him. Do we as a Christian especially the youths of this generation think that we had done enough for Christ? What if you are faced with situations like this young man who was diagnosed with cancer and can’t do anything for the Lord? Higher that the highest human thought can reach is God’s ideal for His children. Godliness, godlikeness is the goal to be reached.

We will look at four ways in which we should become a champion for Jesus.

1. BE STRONG (2 Timothy 2:1):
If we look the first verse of 2 Timothy 2, we see a striking words ‘Be Strong’ in Jesus Christ. Paul was urging Timothy to be strong always in the Lord despite of the hardships, struggles, problems that he faced in his ministry. Paul knew for sure that Timothy was going to face lots of obstacles in his path in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. So, he encourages his servant Timothy to be strong in the Lord and not to give up.

Talking about strength we may be tempted to think of the strongest men in the whole world, but this verse talks about spiritual strength, the kind of strength that is found in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s the kind of strength that Daniel depended upon to stand before Kings and to hung out with hungry lions that Jesus depended upon to accomplish His mission in this world. It’s no other but the strength of prayer and reading God’s word by faith. Christian youth need to depend on God’s strength and not on our own strength. If we really want to be a true Champion for Christ, we need to depend and submit totally on God. To be strong means to totally depend upon God in everything that we do and not to lean on our own understanding. This can be done through constant prayer and reading of His word.

Illustration: David was a young man who always depends on God in everything that he does. When the Israelites were upset and have nothing to do with the Giant Goliath, David step up in the name of the living God. Because he came in the name of the Lord, he slay down the big enemy Goliath with a piece of stone. He is a true champion for the Lord. He could achieve that feat not because of his might but because of God’s strength. If we depend on God in our life, the impossible could turn to possible. Trust God and depend on him and most importantly, be strong in the Lord in order to become a champion for God.

2. ENDURANCE (2 Timothy 2:3):
The second criterion to become champion for God is endurance. Paul encouraged this young man Timothy to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus. Satan seeks to discourage us, to even press big obstacles in our way but if we are to be champions of Jesus, we need to endure hardness, to be patient, to press on. Paul himself endured hardness, the disciples endured hardness, Jesus lived in this sinful world, He endured hardness away from His Father’s home, was despised, forsaken, bitten, spit upon yet He endured pain and suffering simply because he had a mission to fulfil, He said in John 16:33 and Philippians 2:5.

Here in this verse 3, Paul compared hardness to a soldier sent to war, he faces many challenges on the battlefield but he endures hardness and that makes him a good soldier. Our Christian journey is like a battlefield and our enemy is attacking us every day in order to lose our battle. In spite of many temptations, failures, discouragement, and persecution we need to endure all these things in order to be a true champion. We are all Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ. We are in the battlefield and our enemy is Satan. We should try to defeat our enemy with patient endurance.

Illustration: The best example for us can be the life of Job who endures all forms of hardships in his life and family. He lost his children, he lost all of his wealth and possessions, his body was filled with leprous. However, despite of all those setbacks in his life, he waits patiently on the Lord. He endures all of them for the Lord. And God gave him victory at the end. And he became a true example for the Christians. We should also be like Job who endures everything for the Lord. Only then can we become true champions for Christ.

3. DEDICATED LIFE (2 Timothy 2:4):
The third point in order to become a champion for Christ is a dedicated life. If a person wanted to become a soldier, he should firstly realised and know that he should face many problems in his work. Because a soldier life is full of dedication, hardships, working under the rain, sun and have to face many challenges in his life. It requires lots of commitment and dedication. He should also know that he is under the control of the commanding officer. He should obey every command that is given to him. The task of a soldier is to please his commanding officer.

In the same way, in our Christian journey, life we need to have a dedicated life for God. God is our commanding officer and we need to please Him in every circumstance. A soldier gives his 100 % in his work and lives out his life to safeguard his country. Likewise, we should give our best to the Lord. We should give 100% and work for God. In order to become a true champion for God, a life of dedication is necessary in every sphere of life.

4. FOLLOW GOD'S INSTRUCTION (2 Timothy 2:5):
Lastly, in order to become a true champion for Christ we need to follow God’s instruction. In verse 5 we see clearly that if anyone wants to compete in an athlete, he or she should competes according to the rules and regulations of the sports. Unless he or she follows that instruction, he should not be qualified to compete. In the times of Paul, they give importance to ‘Isthmian games’ (Olympic Games). They have strict rules and whoever does not follow the rules are disqualified and given punishment. So, it is important and necessary to follow any instructions carefully set by the authorities in order to win the crown. Likewise, in our Christian walk we should also follow the instruction that is set before us by God. We ought to follow God’s instructions carefully in order to achieve the crown and become a true champion for God. We become champions of Jesus by following His rules, instructions and no other but His Ten commandments, guidelines of our lives simply because we love Him, we obey Him.

Illustration: There was a great marathon runner, who competes on a race. After he competes he came first and won the race. However, the authorities realise that he did not register his name, so he was disqualified in spite of winning the race. This led to the loss of a medal he would have won; instead it was given to the second person to him who followed the rules of the game. He had to forfeit his medal because he did not follow the instructions. So, it is important to follow the instructions which are set before us. As a Christian youth, we are the hope and future of the generations to come. We need to set an example to others. We should follow God’s instruction in order to please God and become champion for Christ.


We have listed down four important points from the given text on how to become a champion for Christ. It needs courage and to be strong, it also requires endurance, dedicated life and also following God’s instructions. As a Christian youth, God requires us to come out for him and be a true champion for Him. We are the energetic, the future hope of the society and church. We need to set an example for the coming generations. 

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