Saturday, 26 November 2016

The Status of Women in Kuki Society: An Evaluation from Human Rights Perspective

The Status of Women in Kuki Society: An Evaluation from Human Rights Perspective

The concept of human rights has assumed great significance globally during the recent past and it has become a matter of serious concern all over the globe in the present day to day life in all the societies irrespective of social, political, economic, ethnic, ideological disparities and differences.[1] It recognizes the inherent dignity and fundamental freedoms of all members of human family and is the foundations for all basic freedoms, justice and peace in the world. Human Rights being dynamic, inalienable and indivisible are fundamental to the dignified existence of individuals. It ensures prosperity in society. Social and economic rights take care of the weaker and less privileged sections of the society by providing them equality of opportunity in the matter of education, employment and mobility. Equality in enjoyment of public facilities and in access to public employment enables upward mobility of the down-trodden. So it helps in promoting communal amity.[2]
The march of civilization, the impact of social changes and developmental efforts benefit the (Kuki) women much less than men even today. The scenario of the Kuki society reveals that women were still kept lower and neglected and this makes them unable to exercise their potentials and talents. The paper will discuss the condition of women in the Kuki society, evaluating from Human Rights perspective with a response from theological basis.  It will reflect that the needs for uplifting women in the Kuki society in various aspects are the concern of the research.
1.      The status of women in Kuki society
The Kuki society is patriarchal set up society. The women were treated as half human beings in the society and elsewhere as according to the culture. Even if they participated in the social and religious activities, they were partially ignored and never given high position. The status of women in the family as well as in the social life was subordinate to men.
The family is the primary and smallest unit in Kuki society. It consists of parents, grandparents, and all unmarried children. The Kukis maintain a patriarchal family system in which the father is the head of the family. He is the one who possesses exclusive powers. He is the owner and administrator of the property and rights of the family.[3] Before married, the women are dominated by her father, brother (s) and mother. Again, after married, by her husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law. Whenever the woman control over their husband he will be condemned and mocked by the society. Woman had no voice in the family administration, her words is not accepted just because it was the word of woman even if it may be right. The Kuki women work very hard as the duties compel them to do, they get up early in the morning and start working, their daily work included fetching water and firewood, cooking, washing clothes, weaving, pounding and winnowing rice for the family, etc. In addition to their daily work, women are supposed to take care the whole family.

Many traditional sayings, “Numei vah hat nin thuse apolut e” which means the roaming woman bring bad words in the family, “Numei thusei chu intoma vacha ham bep seu ahi” meaning the word of woman is same as the singing birds at the jungle behind the house at night, “numei le balke in alhah thei nading a k hol e” meaning Women and Yam will easily melt down wherever they are suitable and not stable, “Numei  chu kengkleh te a te ding ahi” which says, women should be beaten like a big bamboo which is used to chase away birds and animal in the field. All these sayings are men’s addressing words to women’s inferiority.
1.2.1.  Lom: it is an important Kukis social organization. Lom is a vocabulary in a Kukis dialect, literally meaning ‘team work’ or ‘corporate labour’. It is comprised of youth, both male and female members of each household in the village. The members used to work in each other’s fields in rotation regardless of the capability of each individual.[4] The Lom is also a centre where the young people learnt discipline and social etiquette. According to T.S Gangte, “Lawm, as the basic life giving system is a revelation of the basic concept of the community-based economic system of the Kukis,” and he terms it as an agro-based economic institution.[5] The Lom society in fact included the women, but the impressive thing is, women were expect to serve the needs of the men and never given leadership status and even not allow speaking out in the meeting.
1.2.2.  Shom: Shom is another form of socio- educational institution of the Kukis where all the young boys of the village sleep together at night. It was the centre wherein the young people were shaped into a responsible adult member of society. It was a place to develop friendship and leadership among the youth people.[6] The crucial thing is, the word shom itself is ascribed to men folk but the women are expected to confine in their home. It is one of the contributing factors for unprivileged to women in learning and equipping.

Culture has been considered a unique possession of human beings that represent one of the most distinguishing traits of human society. The Kuki people’s unique identity is based on their common culture, customs and traditions.[7] The Kuki people have a very distinct culture and customs, which all the family of the Kuki, from Bulpipa[8] to the youngest (the one who is in the bottom of the list in genealogy of the Kukis) have been practicing.[9] They have a typical way of conducting their normal daily lives where we could see that the practices of Kuki culture basically marginalised the women. The culture tradition itself is patriarchal and any kind of festivals and functions in a family or society are always instituted by the men. There is no provision for women in this regard; the only way of their involvement is to serve the menfolk whenever necessary. For the women in Kuki society culture rather provide them duties and task where they must serve and obeyed. So it becomes one of the factors which keep the Kuki women inferior and unable to speak out their rights in the society.

The Kukis live in villages with the administration under chieftainship. The haosa (chief) is the head of the village with absolute authority in village administration.[10] The Kuki Haosa or chieftain system of administration embodies the core of Kuki polity and is the essence of Kuki custom and tradition.[11] The Haosa or chief is never been ascribed to the woman. Due to the patriarchal observation, even if the chief does not have son but only daughter(s), his land and properties will be all inherited by the nearest relatives of the father. So the political system of the kuki society ignored women’s right badly.

The heir of Kuki society is the eldest son of the family. The properties of the parents were distributed among the sons only but daughters had no share. Because according to the Tradition and Custom of the Kukis, the eldest son in the family that came out first from the father will inherit the father’s inheritance. The eldest son will share this inheritance with his brothers when they got married. Land for each brother is apportioned by the eldest brother.[12] Even if the parents had no sons, the property went to the nearest male relative. So women have no inheritance from her parents.

2.      Human Rights
The term ‘human Right’ is a twentieth century phraseological invention. However, the idea of the inalienable rights of man is much older and in fact was often articulated by poets, philosophers and politicians since antiquity. Human rights are essential for full development of human personality and for human happiness. They are indispensable for physical and mental upliftment of the human race. It underlines the point that every human being is entitled to enjoy certain basic conditions of civilized life, irrespective of the socio-economic and political system he lives in. As the horizons of human socio-economic and political experiences have expanded, so has the connotation of the concept of human rights increased. Today, human rights conceptually include not only the negative rights such as the right to life and liberty against possible State actions, but also the positive rights such as the right to minimum wage for subsistence living, right to medical treatment, right to leave with pay under certain circumstances, and so on. [13] So Human rights are the inherent rights of a human being, without which one cannot live with dignity.

3.      Evaluating the Condition of Kuki Women from Human Rights Perspective
The condition and treatment towards women by the men folk in the Kuki society demands an immediate analysis with creative steps for the upliftment of the women for stability and equality of the society.
3.1.KWHRO (Kuki Women’s Human Rights Organization)
The formation of the Kuki Women's Human Rights Organization (KWHRO) is one of the reasons for the struggle of rights by the women. It believes that the role of Kuki women should be improved within Kuki society as stated under: "History and tradition might have denied us (women) any positive role in society and women might have been confined within the four walls of the kitchen, but with the changing times and the progress of civilization, the time has come where women have to play an important role in society and politics that is equal to that played by men. In fact there are areas where women even excel men.
 Therefore, KWHRO (B) appeal to all Kuki women to shake off their shackles and emerge out of  the kitchen to play  an active and positive role in shaping the future of the Kuki nation. It is time we realize that unless we go forth and play the roles expected of us during the times we are in, the struggle of the Kuki nation will be that much weaker. [14]

3.2.The Constitution of India
The preamble of the constitution of India stress on the equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all. Socialist in the preamble which was introduced in the 42th amendment Act, 1976, principle aim is to eliminate inequality in income and status and standards of life. The basic framework of socialism is to provide a decent standard of life to the working people and especially provide security from cradle to grave.[15] For example, in the fundamental rights, Right to equality stress on the rights for a person before law, right to freedom, right to cultural and education.[16]  Such as, “equality of sexes and non-discrimination on the basis of sex” has been assured in articles 14, 15 of fundamental rights and article 39(d) assures women equal pay for equal work along with men. Good and congenial working conditions for women have been assured under article 39(e) and article 42 spells out social security for women.[17]

3.3.Human Rights Commission in India
In India the Human Rights Commission was initially constituted on 12 October 1993 under the protection of Human Rights ordinance of 28 September 1993. The proposal for a Commission was originally contained in a Human Rights Commissions Bill which was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 14 May 1993. The ordinance of 28 September 1993 was drafted in the light of the comments made on the Original Bill, which was presented to parliament on 25 November 1993 to replace the ordinance.[18] The commission plays important roles to lift up the women in the country.
3.4.Human Rights of Women in India
The human rights of women in India recognized the rights of all human beings throughout the nook and corner of the world irrespective of caste, colour, creed, sex country or region to have good quality of life free from diseases, want, degradation, tensions and worries. They said, human rights is a claims made by virtue of the fact that, “we are human beings with an inalienable right to human dignity”. [19]
3.5.Universal Declaration of Human Rights                  
To promote respect for human Rights, the United Nations Organisation has proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Covenants on Political, Civil, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and many international instruments. The United Nations Organisation held that all human rights and fundamental freedoms are invisible and interdependent; equal attention and urgent consideration should be given to the implementation, promotion and protection of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.[20] In the Preamble, the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. [21]
Ever since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, political violations of human rights have been brought to the awareness of world public opinion. It serves to sharpen people’s conscience and renders any inhumanity illegitimate.[22]

4.      Theological Response
The Church is claim as the Body of Jesus Christ, but so long as the body does not treat women, who are also members of the Body of Jesus Christ, as they should be treated and regarded. It is not possible to accept such a church as the Body of Jesus Christ. The Body should pay equal regard and place equal responsibilities to all the members regardless of gender, caste/class and race. The church should be a place where everyone enjoys Christ’s gift of freedom and practice and maintain the priesthood of all believers.[23]
4.1.Women are created in God’s image: In Genesis 1:26-27, it records that,
“Let us create humankind (adham)[24] in our image, according to our likeness and let them have dominion over the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over cattle, and over the wild animals of the earth… So God created humankind in God’s image, in the image of God, he created them, male and female God created them”.
Adham is created in God’s image, that means man and woman are created in God’s image and God’s likeness. The creation of the two sexes in God’s image accomplishes God’s purpose of creating adham. Mary Evan’s state clearly that, “Sexual distinction in creation is therefore clear, Nevertheless, in this account there is no distinction between male and female in their creation as the image of God”.[25]

4.2.Jesus’ life and example: In the New Testament, Jesus’ attitude to woman is one that is
radical particularly of his own times and he firmly faced the situation even at the cost of being criticised. Jesus’ attack on traditional hold against women and his action for women is a remarkable paradigm for Christians who are his followers. It is rightly stated that,
It was not so much in what Jesus said but in how he related to women that Jesus was a revolutionary. In this relationship his life style was so remarkable that one can only call it astonishing. He treated women as fully human, equal to men in every respect; no word of deprecation about women, as such, is ever found on his lips. As the Saviour who identified with the oppressed and the disinherited, he talked to women and about women with complete freedom and candour.[26]
Wherever the Jewish culture discriminates and condemns women Jesus restores them to their full dignity and humanity. People and women of all walks of life, whoever came in contact with Jesus received their healing in one aspect or the other. The true mission of Jesus is that of empowering and restoring women to their full human status. There are a number of an instance which show Jesus’ concern for women and is attempt to bring them to equal status in the society and religion. For example, Jesus treats woman as equal to man as revealed in the story of the healing of the bent-over woman (Lk.13:10-17), Samaritan woman becomes Jesus’ messenger (Jn.4:1-29), Jesus liberates the adulterous woman from death (Jn.8:3-11). Jesus’ humane concerns transcends religious law and cultural traditions. Jesus restored women to their rightful place in the society. That Jesus is on the side of women should be our source of encouragement and empowerment as we continue to serve God and strive for a full and equal ministry.[27]

Human Rights awareness is essential for friendly relations among peoples and nations.[28] But it is quite true to some extend that Kuki society is still unconscious about the importance of human rights, and women’s right in particular. The culture and traditional structure of the society are the area of problems in Kuki society towards women. The attitude and understanding are inherited from the parents and grant parents. There is no reason to blame anyone, but it is all about the past understanding and practices. But with the growing development and civilization of the society, immediate changes of our attitude towards women must be shifted to inclusive and upliftment motive. Jawaharlal Nehru said, “You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women”[29] It is quite a suitable statement for Kuki society.
The uphill task and long drawn out battle of protecting human rights of (Kuki) women and empowering them can be only won when sincere efforts are constantly made at every level i.e. individual, family, society etc. Let us take a pledge to work to attain this noble goal with commitment through concerned efforts and strive.[30] Today, women in the world are coming up with their potential and gifted talents. But our society is still calm in this issue. We must strike to become blessings for women from being the hindrance in the past.
Some hints are pointed out as regarded to be the role model for Human Rights towards the (Kuki) women. Firstly, Human rights will recognise the inherent dignity and fundamental freedoms of all members of human family and the foundations of all basic freedoms, justice and peace in the world irrespective of sex or race. Secondly, Active involvement of all the people of the society alone can change and make the Human Rights Mission the road to stir up (Kuki) women. Thirdly, awareness for human rights should be inculcated through the syllabus and curriculum of all educational and training institutions so that the coming generation may not be infected with the primitive mindset.
Therefore it is the right time to value mutual respect with regards to opposite sex and avoid gender discrimination in an outside of the society so that the true humanity of God’s creation may reveal.

Biju, M.R. Human Rights in a Developing Society. New Delhi: Mittal Publications, 2005.
Haokip, Letkholun. An Appraisal of the Interaction Between Christianity and Kuki Culture,  BD   Thesis, 2008.
Haokip, P.S. Zale’n-Gam the Kuki Natiion. Zale’n gam: Kuki National Organisation, 1998
Hnuni, R.L. Vision for Women in India; Perspectives from the Bible, Church and Society.  Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 2009..
Jewett, Paul K. Man as Male and Female, A Study in Sexual Relationships from a Theological Point        of View. Michigan: William Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1975.
Khongsai, Lunzalien.  “Church’s Response on the Ecological Crisis Among the Kukis in Manipur,”          BD Thesis, 2009.
Parbakar, Charles and Pal Mohan, Rights and Responsibilities or the Minorities. Bangalore:        Theological Book Trust,1999.
Subramanian, Dr.S. Human Rights; International Challenges. New Delhi: Manas   Publications, 1997.
Touthang, Thangkholun. “Ancient Israelites’ Concept of Land in Comparison with Kukis’            Concept of Land”. BD Thesis, 2008

Webliography  (30-July-2012)

Geetha, K.T.  & B.Usha, Women’s Employment and Social Security, Women’s Link, Vol.15.No.1. New Delhi:Jan-Mar 2009.

[1] M.R.Biju, Human Rights in a Developing Society, (New Delhi: Mittal Publications,2005),p.57
[2] Dr.S. Subramanian, Human Rights; International Challenges, (New Delhi: Manas Publications, 1997),p.73
[3] Letkholun Haokip, “An Appraisal of the Interaction Between Christianity and Kuki Culture,” (BD Thesis, 2008), p.7
[4] P.S. Haokip, Zale’n-Gam the Kuki Natiion(Zale’n gam: Kuki National Organisation, 1998), 79.
[5] Haokip, Zale’n-Gam the Kuki Nation…, 7.
[6] Lunzalien Khongsai, “Church’s Response on the Ecological Crisis Among the Kukis in Manipur,” (BD Thesis, 2009), p.10-11.
[7] P.S. Haokip, Zale’n-Gam the Kuki Natiion…72
[8]“Bulpipa” is the first man of the Kukis through him comes all the Kuki people. His generation bears the name Bulpipa, meaning “origin” or from where it begins.
[9] Letkholun Haokip, “An Appraisal of the Interaction Between Christianity and Kuki Culture”…2.
[10] Letkholun Haokip, “An Appraisal of the Interaction Between Christianity and Kuki Culture”…5.
[11] Haokip, Zale’n-Gam the Kuki Nation…73
[12] Thangkholun Touthang, “Ancient Israelites’ Concept of Land in Comparison with Kukis’ Concept of Land in Manipur”. (BD Thesis, 2008), p.47.
[13] M.R.Biju, Human Rights in a Developing Society…1-2                     
[14]  (30-July-2012)
[15] Charles Parbakar and Pal Mohan, Rights and Responsibilities or the Minorities,( Bangalore: Theological Book Trust,1999),P-3
[16] Parbakar and Pal Mohan, Rights and Responsibilities or the Minorities…4-7
[17] M.R.Biju, Human Rights in a Developing Society…129
[18] M.R.Biju, Human Rights in a Developing Society…73
[19] M.R.Biju, Human Rights in a Developing Society…130
[20]Dr.S. Subramanian, Human Rights; International Challenges… 5
[21] Parbakar and Pal Mohan, Rights and Responsibilities or the Minorities…16-19
[23] R.L. Hnuni, Vision for Women in India; Perspectives from the Bible, Church and Society, (Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 2009),p.153
[24] Adham in Hebrew is a generic term for humankind, not male alone. The two sexes – male and female are embedded in the term and separating male from female in attempting to explain the image of God is a total distortion of the text.
[25] R.L. Hnuni, Vision for Women in India…174
[26] Paul K.Jewett, Man as Male and Female, A Study in Sexual Relationships from a Theological Point of View, (Michigan: William Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1975), p.94
[27] R.L. Hnuni, Vision for Women in India…179-185
[28] Dr.S. Subramanian, Human Rights; International Challenges, (New Delhi: Manas Publications, 1997),p.1
[29] K.T. Geetha & B.Usha, “Women’s Employment and Social Security,” Women’s Link, Vol.15.No.1 (New Delhi: Jan-Mar 2009), p.9
[30] M.R.Biju, Human Rights in a Developing Society…130

Friday, 25 November 2016


Topic: “Na Pakai Lamtuo din kigon”
Bible text: Amos 4:12
Christmas hi a vannoiya mijouse leh Christian ten ana ngalal uva akineppi pen’u nikho khat chu ahin ahi. Christian ten ahuhhingpu’u penna leh kipana jeh in akipapio vin athanop piovin ahinla, Christian hilou jat chom chom hon vang akineppinao ajat chom cheh in ahi. Hiche nikho hi pathen houlou Christian hilou ho ding in jong business season khat ana hi jing in ahi. Eihon iki papio Lhagao Huhhingpu hung nikho chu amahon mangthei thil holna leh leinopsahna neileh gou holnan ana mang jiuvin ahi.
Hiche kiuchu hilou in I Bible u ivet leh hiche Huhhingpu apennikho ahin mi tampi ding in leileh vanna Hachangpa a kipana achang un, akipah un kimkhat vang  Chamna lengpa Huhhingpu pennikho chu Lungjinnan ana mang un ahi. Tunin ingalal jing uleh imaban uva ikineppiu Christmas hi Bible a miphabep in ipiti kigotna ana nei uvem chuleh eihon Itobang kigotna inei uvem themcha ana veo hite.
1. Herod lengpan ana lamtuo dan:(Matthew 2:3-8)
Herod lenglen Ahilou leh Herod the great tia ina het jing pao hi  Edom mipa Antipater leh Arabia mi Cyprus kiti nu cha ahin ahi. Amahi Herod-1 tin jong akihe in, Bc 73 kum a chu ana peng ahi. Chuleh march Ahilou leh/ april 4 B.C chun ana thitan ahi. Amahi Edom mi ana hijong leh Judaism hou thua lung lut tah leh pan ana lajing khat ahin ahi. Ahinla, Judahten ana mu nom pouvin ahi. Ajehchu Rome sorkar in Judah chung a leng a ana pansah u ahin ahi. Judah ten adeilou’u akihet jeh chun duha thuh tah leh chingthei tahin vai anahom in a lenggam chu ana hubit jing in ahi.
Chukit leh Judah te lung holna leh asuh lunglhai nom jeh chun Jerusalem Hou in jong chu anakeh len in ana sapha kitin ahi. Chule Judah tea ding thilphachom tampi leh khopi dettah tah chuleh kulpi phachompi galleh tolla akiven bitna diuvin ana sempih in ahi. Hiche atohphatna leh athibol hoi jeh  a chu Rome lengten “ Herod lenglen” title ahinsah u ahi.chukit leh amahi milung neo ,milung thimse anahi jeh in ama tobang mi ahung kisep doh a lengvai ahinpoh ding chu ana gelthei him him pon ahi. Hiche jeh chun ajinu angaitah Mariamne jong chu anathat in achapa thum jong chu melse tah in ana that in ahi.
Alungneo naleh Leiset loupina agelsang behseh jeh chun achapa ittah thum jong ana that in, ajinu jong anathat in chuleh ahuhhing pu( Jesu)  zong chu thadingin ahin hollo  tan ahi. Asopi au anao aji, acha thatsa mihem anahi jeh Chun Judahte lengpa ahung peng e ti thu ajah jah a chu thadoh jeng ding’a ana vetlal pai hiding ahitai. Hethem leh a huhhing pu chu ajenle joh ding ahin ahinla ahet them lou jehin Christmas, Huhhingpu pen kipanikho chu ama ding in “Tolthana nikho” ana hitai. Koi hileh leiset thua lung lud’a  Leiset loupi na jeng gel jing hohin Pathen alung lhaisah jou pouvin, chuleh hiche Tahsa ngaichat na hohin Pathen toh eigam lhat sah uve ti Herod lengpan a konna jildoh thei ahi.
Herod lengpan hin ana hethem leh ahuhhing pu hi ana doudal a thading’a ana hollou ding ahin ahi. Ahinla ahetthemlou jehin Vannoi huhhing pu penni kho chu ama dingin Lungjin nikhon ana pang tai. Akiletsahna leh leilungngaina ,leiloupina agel jing jeh chun Huhhingpua dingin ama lung sung a mun ana ong tapoi. Tunin jong Christmas kimang jing henlang ipi kibol jing jong leh, kineosah thei lou, leiloupina holjing holeh, leinopsahna dalha theilou hoa ding in Christmas kiman hi chonset kibe nabep hintin chuleh Huhhingpun alung sung uva mun nei thei deh ponte.
Hiche jeh chun pathen manchah ihitheina ding uleh Christmas iman uhi lolhing tah a ahitheina ding in eima hina leh loupina hohi eh(Dung) tobang a igel uva, a chonse, alhasam pen, achingbei kelngoi vahmang bang a ikigel uva Christa Hung hi,kei michonse lamvai vahmangsa holdoh ding leh huhhing dinga hung ahi ti igeldoh uva  ama kithopina ithum uva ikipeh theng duo ahi. Achuti louleh Leng herod bang a ichonset in eitha lhon diu/ichonset ithipi khah ding ahi hiche jeh chun ichonset un itha kahun ichonsetna joh u hi nuse tao hitin Pathen a din Kiphal theng tao hite.

2.      Houlam kai ho kigotdaan:(Matthew 2:5-7)
Bible a houlamkai akimin phah leh alhangpi’n Pharisees, daanthusun ho kiseina ahijeng in ahi. Amahohi thunei tah leh vaibol theitah anahiuvin Houthu lam a lamkai ahivangun akilungtonao leh aboltheinao chu sorkar (Rome Govt) in jong alonaji anahet jilou’u ahin ahi. Amahohi itih phat a hung kiphut doh u ham ti hi kichen in akihe pon ahinla daanthu sun holoi vang hi Old Testament khang a patna ana umjing ahitan ahi. (Ezra jong chu daanthu sun/daanthu hegil khat ana hin ahi.)
Pharisees ho ahinao phabep:
·         Amahohi Rome sorkar in jong jaa tah a ananeiju chuleh thunei tah ana hiuvin chuleh, houthu lam jeng a jong amaho phatsah lou a loidang aum ding hi thil hahsa tah ana hin ahi. Houthu lam jeng a jong achung nung pen, adih pen, Danthu juikim penin akingaituoun, amaho bang a chonpha leiset chung a umtalou ding in angaituoun, chuleh amaho tilou midang chu chonse ngen daan’in agel’un ahi.
·         Daan toh kitoh lou a chon ho jong chu amaho hin achung thu tanna thei leh thina changei gotna jong mi apeh theiju anahin ahi.
·         Ama hohin hapta khat leh nivei vei aan angol( fasting) un chuleh thilpeh laam a jong apontho un aankam( mustard seed) kisan jong  hopsom’ a hopkhat ana pehjiu ahin ahi.
·         Ahinla athilbol jouseu hi Leiset mihemte vetding mai mai leh mihon achonpha’e ati theina diuva abol u ngen ana hin ahi.
·         Taona jong Chu lamkon lah/ lamkika lah Ahilou leh mihon tamna lah a amang nom un ahi.
·         Jewish tehin Hapat khat leh nivei vei bou bazaar kaina nikho aneijiu ahi hiche nikho nilehin Pharisees holoi hin aan angol jiuva lamkika lah dung, mi mu muna dingin ana taojiu ahi. Hiche jeh a Chu Pakai jesun Matthew bung 6 sung’a akhu taona manji daan, aan-ngol didaan avela ahil kit ahi.
·         Athilbol uleh anatoh hou Chu maipha vetna ngen sen ahin, thilpha abol khat’u jong Chu mimasanga akiphondoh lou ding anom pouvin, chuleh amahobou chu lhagaomi’n aki gel’un ahi.
·         Amaho hin daan 300 lam juiding anei juvin 300 valma juilou ding anei’un ahi.
Pharisees hohi amahobou achonpha leh atheng chungnung, vannoi setna lah a konna kisepkhen daan in ana kigel jeng u jong leh Christmas akimin phah sih leh aminse in apang jingun ahi ipijeh in em itileh amaho Chihna thepnan bouvin akisong un, amahobou achonphan akigelun, midang iman agel pouvin, chuleh achonpha, atheng penna akigel jehu chun Huhhingpu hung peng chu angaisah pouvin ahi. Amaho chonphatna leh bukimna a bou pathen gam lut ding agot’u ahi.
Chukit leh messiah a hung ding ana ngah jing ana hijong leo, amaho hetmasang a midang (solam miching hon) gamchom min judahte lengpan apengtai atiu chu ajatchat piuva, ajumhan piu jong himaithei ahi. Ajeh Chu Herod lengpan Danthu them ho jesu penna ding mun adoh uva Chun Bethlehem mun ding ahi ti jong kicheh tah in anahe taovin ahi. Amaho aboinao pipen leh amaho a konna ihet theidiu ijil doh thei diu chu ahileh, mihem in kachonsetai, kabolkheltai tia ikigel thei lai chan in  pathen lunglhaina ahin ahinla, Keibou apha,achamkim ikiti laiseuvin achonse pen ihiu ve. 1John 1:8-9
Eimaho chihna leh thepna, chuleh ithilphabol hou hi Pathen masanga a kisonna ding khatcha aumpoi. Leiset mihem a konna chonphatna thei leh  kihuhhing na thei lampi aumlou jeh a Christa hung khoh khoh ahi. Thilpha ijat bol in lang, Itobang in chonpha jong leh chun christa nakisan lou a pengthahlou nahileh achaina chu kaana hithou thou ding ahi. Pastor,Evangelist,Missionary Hivang a sochat thei hilou, theologian hi vang a vangam kilut thei deh hilou, Deacon Khat hivang a huhhing kichang thei ahipoiTulai Christian tamtah lah a jong dinmun kicheh lou,Adinmun leh athilphabol ho kisounpia chuleh ajotna mun ding kichenlou atam e.
Vo sopi, ipi jeh a sohcha ding leh vangam lut ding’a naki tahsan ham? Ajoleh nathilpha bol holeh nachihna nathepnaho jeh a kisong hikhan nate ajoleh Pharisees ho bangin phat khat leh dalhah in um khan nate. Ven tunia inga jing uleh imanlo napen u Huhhingpu hung penna jeh leh  ahung lona hi ihetthem lou leh i Christmas man jong themmo channa bep hin ti chuleh leiset mite golnop bang a igel khah ding ahi.
Phat lenikho geisang kah in kikhol in…leng jesu naki saan hitam? Tunin thileh Chun amatoh naumkhom ding hinam?  Na tonsot mun ding kichen hitam? Ven Nangma huhhing ding in Leng jesu Bethlehem a ahung peng tai amabou chu tonsot lampi leh hinna ahi, ama tilou van innlam jotna ding mindang, adang khat cha aumpoi…! (Acts 4: 12; John 14:6)
3.      Kelngoi ching ho kigot daan: ( Luke 2:1-20)
Leiset Mihemten mihem Chihna thepnan, boltheina, haonaleh melhoina dungjui in jaana leh deisahna ichan un ahi. Achinglou ,amimo Ahilou leh mihon thulah loua akoi khatchu jatah in akibol ngaipon akidonse jipon ahi. Tunin pathen in, nang leh kei lung gel bang/leiset mihemte lunggel banga lung agel ding hileh mihemtehi ipi iti tadiuvem?Huhhingna hi ichang jouna diuvem, Ahilou leh ahinkho phalngam in chonsete din ahung kipedoh nadem? Ven leiset mihemte hi Eden honna chonsetna gaa kiu Chu hilouvin nitin in phatlouna leh chonsetna lungthim ivop jing un ahi.  Ahinla pathen in eingailut nao hi ipiti saan hitam chonsete ihin theina dingun angailut, aneisun achapa changkhat Chu nangleh keilhatdoh ding in Leisetna ahin sol’in tunia Christmas itiu hi ama pen kihet jing na nikho khat chu ahin ahi.
Ama lungsetna hin koima khen tum anei pon haoleh vai chihleh thepna akhenpoi. Loupi pakai chu leiseta Tahsa mihem melpua ahung chun munthupi jong lheng lou in munnoi nung pen  gaan-ankoung sung a ahung peng in chukit leh alhatdamna ocheng chu Pakai vantil in “loujao a Kelngoi ching ho” aga hetsahin ahi. Pathen in chonsete leh minoinung te jong angailun ahuhhingna hi atahsan jousea ding ahi ti akichenin ahi.
Kelngoi ching ho dinmun phabep:
·         Amahohi Lungset umtah mihem ngen ahiuvin ahi ajeh Chu milah a jong deibang a lha’a khosa thei ahi pouvin ahi.
·         Amaho daan dungjui in insung a alhum pen/naolhum chu Kelngoi ching in ana mang jiuvin ahi.
·         Amaho hi loujao Ahilou leh gamthiplah ngenna khosa ahiuvin chuleh tulai bang a gencha venbitnaleh saahang a konna kivenbitna ding manchah ana nei pouvin ahi.
·         Sahangho,vompi Ahilou leh humpi’n agenchau ahin della thading agotteng uleh ana kidelpi jiuvin, Ahilou leh vaisongse kiti khat chu ana mangcha jiuvin ahi.
·         Kelngoi ching ho dia agolpha pen uchu a Kelngoi u Chu ahitan ahi. Lungleng tahleh thomhao tah a umji ahiuvin ahi.
·         Mihemte musit leh  minoinung pen khat ana hiu vin ahi.
Mihemten amunempen uleh anoise pen ana hijong leu Van tonsot kipana leh huhhing na thupha ana jah uva kipana sangtah ana chan’u hi iti loupi hitam? Hichan in min musit u henlang taitomna leh pampaina anachang jeng tajong leu Pathenna konna hung kisol vantil thupoh chu atahsan uva ajui jeh un Huhhingpu toh ana kimuto un Hachangpa a kipana chu achang tauvin ahi.
     Christmas imanjing u jong hi Kelngoi chingho bang a kineosah a pathen kom beltheilouho din manthahna bep hinte… ajeh Chu mikiletsah kihoithosah ho, leiset loupina lhangai jing hon Pakai abelthei pouve. Kelngoi ching hohi minoi nungpen leh mihemte musit pen hijongleu ama hoa kon in Simmun phatah ineithei un ahi.
      Ahung peng leng jesu ikisaan theina dingun Kelngoi chingho banga ikineo sah uva i paka pau lamtuo dia ikigot’u angaiyin ahi. Amahohin Huhhingpu komma imacha thlipeh ding leh kending jong anei pouve ahinlah, anei sun u “ alungthim pumpiu” huhhing pum kom a ahung peuvin ahi. Ven tunin pathen in nangleh kei komma angaichat pen chu lung kisih a ama ibella ama ikisaan ding hi anga jing ahi. Pathen in koima khentum aneipoi tunin nangleh kei jong eikou jing e akomma ding in …!
Ithupiu va chun Christmas a dia kigotna itiuvin chuleh   Christmas dia kigotna jatchom chom ho jong ihinmu tauve. Leng Herod chu leng minthang tah leh boltheitah anahin, aletnaleh aloupina chu  ana ngaisang behseh jeh chun a pakaipa jong thading in ana hol’in ahi.  Achonsetna ngaidam ding leh achonsetna konna huhdoh dinga hungpa chu ana pampai jeh in achonsetna a thipi in, huhhingna ocheng jaman lou in ana thitan ahi. Ven sopi kouna ocheng ja a pampet tei tei a pathen gotna chang khang dong mi ijat um hitam? Huhhing pun akouna donselou a Leiset loupina hol jeh a thina lhanmol jona chuleh jonjing ding a um jing mi ijat um hitam?
Abanna inavet kit’u chu ahileh houlamkai a kigel, ahialah penthahna neilou amaho chihna leh thepna, chonphatna kisong “Pharisees” ho thusim chu ana hin ahi. Huhhingna  hi chonphatvang leh natohvang Ahilou dan christa a konbou ahidan akichen in ahi. Eima hina a konna, kisonna ding leh kiletsahna ding thu imacha aumpoi ti akichen in ahi. Amaho thilbolleh natoh chu bou adih in agel un, Huhhingpu donlou in amaho chihna thepnan boltheina joh chun kisonna ana neijun chujeh chunthemmona sangtah ana chang un ahi.
Achaina a inavet uchu Kelngoi ching ho thusim chu ahin ahi.mihon amunem penleh amusit penchu hijongleu Pakai vantil thupoh atahsan uva, aneilah uva amantampen leh alupen “alungthim uleh atha ajung u” agapeh uchu pathen alung lhaiyin chuleh huhhing pu dihtah chu aga kimuchet tauvin ahi.
Eiho jong huhhing ichan nom uleh Kelngoi ching ho bang a ikineosah uva mihem lungsung a kon kiletsahna ,hoithona,kichonphatsahna, leilung ngaina jouse idalhah uva Pakai kom ibel johdiu ahi.
Ven sopi, Pakai jin ama koma din eikou jing uve…?ilungsung kot akiu jing e…nalungsung kot nahon pih lou ding hitam???
Ven Nahuhhing pun Nalungsun kot akiu jing’e amadia lungsungmun na onsah theilou ding ham? Ama(Christa) analamtuo a ama ana vailhunsah ho chu aman Vangamnom adia apuitei ding ama a dia mun petheilou holeh mu onsah theilou ho chu phatkhat leh Tonsot Meidil a Gimgenthei thoh ding..Ven sopi Hoichi joh nakilhennom em?

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