Tuesday, 6 February 2018

The Development of Pneumatology in the Bible

The term pneumatology comes from two Greek words, namely, pneuma which means spirit and logos meaning word. So, pneumatology refers to the study of the biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Generally this includes such topics as the personality of the Spirit, the deity of the Spirit, and the work of the Spirit throughout Scripture. The pneumatology is a vast topic which cannot be deal in a limited time and space. However, this paper tries to bring out the understanding of the researcher on how pneumatology developed throughout the whole scripture. We can notice the work of the Spirit right from the beginning of the Bible in Genesis and at the same time concludes with the Holy Spirit in the book of Revelation. This paper will bring out a brief study of pneumatology in the Old Testament, Judaism and also the New Testament.

The work of the Spirit in the Old Testament is much broader than just the production of Scripture, as important as that is. In the book of Genesis, the Spirit was involved in creating the cosmos. We have seen that the work and the function of the Holy Spirit especially in the Pentateuch is a creative agent by which God used ‘Ruah’ as a force to create. He is currently and actively involved in sustaining creation and will someday, in a period of enormous divine blessing, completely renew it. The nature of the Spirit’s present ministry testifies to this future work. The Holy Spirit came upon certain people to impart wisdom and practical skills, strength and ability. He did this during the building of the tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and all the tabernacle’s furnishings which we can see in the book of Exodus. Moreover, He was also the strength and guidance behind the building of the temple. Observation can also be made that Spirit is also seen as an agent of destructive agent in which God used it as instrument of judgment and also instrument of liberation and transformation. It is also an empowering agent by which God used as an endowment to the chosen to enable them to fulfil a particular task.

The Spirit was involved in the administration of the nation of Israel by giving gifts of administration and wisdom. He also raised up national leaders during the dismal period of the Judges. He gave strength, courage, capability in war, and leadership abilities to several people. Later on the Spirit anointed Saul, David, and Solomon for leadership by giving them strength and ability to prophesy, but in the case of Saul, the Spirit subsequently withdrew because of his disobedience. The Holy Spirit was also involved in the regeneration, instruction, and sanctification of Israel in the Old Testament. It is also said that he will produce righteousness and justice among the people of God in the messianic age.[1] The work of the Holy Spirit in the Wisdom Literature is more of transmission of a message. The Spirit transmits the message of God through the prophets to let the people hear what the Lord God wanted them to do. This Ruah (Spirit) is called wind, breath or Spirit; however these terms are used differently and interchangeably. The works and the functions of the Spirit in the prophetical writings can be seen more in terms of restoration, hope. It is dynamic and also serves as a mysterious power of God. The activity of the spirit is also seen more on the prophecy. It inspires the prophets to communicate the word of God to his people. Another means of the activity of Spirit is sanctification and also judgment. As a whole the functions of the Spirit in the Old Testament is very significant and it employs different sets of works right from the beginning of the creation and till the prophet’s time.  These are some of the brief understanding of the spirit and how it develops from the book of Genesis till the intertestamental period.

The Holy Spirit in Judaism generally refers to the inspiration through which attuned individuals perceive and channel the Divine through action, writing or speech. Through this they attain some degree of prophetic knowledge, and possibly convey it to others. One of the main role and function of the Spirit in the time of Judaism was cleansing and purifying the covenant people or community. In most of the text i.e., Septuagint, Book of Jubilees, Qumran Literature, Wisdom of Solomon, Philo of Alexandria, the Spirit purifies and enable the sectarian Israel to maintain an intimate relationship with God by the obedience to the Law which was set for them. It also expects the future coming of the Spirit which will cause the recipient to obey God and follow His commandments.

The work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is as important as in the Old Testament. The main work of the Spirit in the Synoptic Gospel is in relation to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was involved in the birth of Christ, with the result that Christ, while fully human, was completely sinless. The Holy Spirit was also involved in Christ’s anointing for messianic service i.e., at his baptism (Luke 3:21-22), filled him during his temptations (Luke 4:1), and revealed the timing and nature of the beginning of that ministry (Luke 4:14, 18). The Holy Spirit was also responsible for Christ’s ability to perform miracles and cast out demons (Matt 12:28).[2] He was also involved in both the death of Christ as well as his resurrection. It is also seen that the Spirit is depicted as a dove in the baptism of Jesus Christ in Jordan in which a dove descended from heaven. The dove is a representation of peace, innocent, purity and holiness.  So the Spirit in the synoptic may refers to the capacity to purify believers from sin and felicitate a life of practical holiness. Spirit is presented by Mark as the divine source of power, influence, messianic anointing, inspiration and help. In the New Testament Spirit is frequently used as a reference to God himself especially when dynamic supernatural expressions of power, miracles, and abilities are said to be originate with him. In the Gospel of Luke, the Holy Spirit empowers God’s people for His service as seen in Luke 1:35. The Holy Spirit also builds us, sustains us and also encourages us through the body of Christ.

The pneumatology of the Gospel of John is well established and developed in compared with the Old Testament and other New Testament writings. The Spirit is seen as a teacher who teaches and reminds what Jesus has taught the disciples. The Spirit is also an advocate who comes to the help of the disciple in their hostile situation while witnessing the testimony of Jesus. He is the judge who convicts and judges the world for its sin and disbelief in Jesus.  He is also a guide who leads the disciples in the way of the truth that Jesus reveals. So, the portrayal of the Spirit by John is very personal, active, participative and vibrant.  The Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts is primarily related to the witnessing of Jesus Christ. Luke reminds in the beginning of Acts about Jesus’ earthly ministry and his post resurrection. Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit and it is fulfilled in Acts 2 which is the Day of Pentecost. On the Day of Pentecost the people were filled with the Holy Spirit. This anointing of the Spirit is called as witnessing for Christ because the Spirit empowers them to carry out the mission given by Jesus. Like the Spirit’s role as a guide in the Gospel of John, the Spirit functions as a personal guide in the book of Luke-Acts as well as seen in Acts 8:29.

The Holy Spirit has a significant and important place in the writings of Paul because it makes possible to connect the historical Jesus with the heavenly Lord who is at the same time present with his people. The Pauline concept of the Spirit is one of totality. The Sprit is viewed as that which radically and totally determines the life and existence of the Christians. In Rom 8:16, the Spirit testifies to the believer's spirit to the fact that he or she is the child of God in the salvific sense. Paul also says that the Spirit metaphorically functions to seal believers. To seal something is to set the stamp of one's ownership on it, so that metaphorically believers have the stamp of God's ownership on them insofar as they have the Spirit (2 Cor. 1:22; Eph 1:13; 4:30).[3]  In the letters to Romans, 1 Corinthians and Galatians, Paul claims that he and other believers performed signs and wonders by the power of the Holy Spirit. The signs and wonders were confirmations of the good news. Other important function of the Spirit is that the Spirit gives spiritual gifts to believers to be exercised for the benefit of the whole church.

The role and functions of the Holy Spirit in the General Epistles is as important as other book of the Scripture. In James it is seen that wisdom is equivalent to Spirit. In James 3:13-18, it refers to the wisdom that comes down from above and produces the fruits of ethical qualities in Christian lives. In 1 Peter the presence of the Spirit helps the believers to live holy life and exhibit honourable conduct in the midst of hardships and difficulties. In 1 John, the Holy Spirit is the agent of the new birth and also the work of the Sprit is described as bringing assurance to the believers. It is the knowledge of the indwelling Spirit that gives the believers assurance of his or her membership in the family of God. In Jude 20, the reference to the Holy Spirit in relation to the prayer is mentioned. This leads the believers towards spiritual strength, discipline and experiential realities of spiritual life, growth and perseverance.

The function of the Spirit in Revelation is to represent God and Christ to the people of the earth in order to make God’s work effective on earth, to bring the light of truth to the world, to search the hearts and minds of people and to bring conviction of truth forcefully to the mind. It is also seen that the Spirit is the one who gives life to the dead. The Spirit is called the Spirit of Life in Revelation that is to say that He is life and gives life (Rev.3:1). The Spirit is also represented several times in Revelation in its functions of communicating a prophetic message through visions and auditions of the mind of the prophet. We can see a work of comforting and consolation, of reminding and convicting, of guiding and teaching, of doing the work of Christ in His absence to help to prepare His followers for the Judgment and for Christ’s return to reward those who have been faithful to Him.

It is noteworthy that the Spirit plays a significant role in the whole of the Bible right from the beginning of Genesis till Revelation. The importance of the Holy Spirit is seen in the fact that the first appearance of the Spirit in Scripture is seen in the second verse of Genesis 1 and at the same time the last is found in the early verses of the closing paragraph of the book of Revelation 22. The importance of the functions and works of the Holy Spirit is also seen and referred many time in between Genesis and Revelation. Right from the beginning of the Bible itself, the Spirit began its works in the creation of the world and everything that is in it. The Spirit’s role in the wisdom literature is more of restoration and giving hopes to the people of God. It is also seen that the Spirit transmit the message of God to the prophets and it can be said in one way or the other that the Spirit is the spirit of prophecy especially in the prophetical writings. The main role and function of the Spirit in the time of Judaism was cleansing and purifying the covenant people or community. It cleanses the sectarian group in order for them to have a close connection and relationship with the Almighty. The Spirit in the New Testament is more of personified with the person and work of Jesus Christ especially in the Gospels. It functions as a guide, teacher, advocate, sustainers, encourager, consoler, life giving etc. The Spirit also represents God and Christ to the people of the earth in order to make God’s work effective on earth. The Spirit is involved in the works of calling, regeneration, uniting the believer with Christ, indwelling, filling, teaching, guiding, gifting, empowering, and sanctifying the believer. His primary ministry is to mediate the presence of Christ and the knowledge of God to the believer. Therefore, the works of the Holy Spirit in the Bible as a whole plays a great and significant part in the growth and building up of the people of God and the church.

Packer, James I. “Holy Spirit.” In New Dictionary of Theology. Edited by Sinclair B.         Ferguson, David F. Wright, and J. I. Packer. Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity,      1988. 312-323.
Tunchapbo. Jesus Tradition in Paul and Pauline Circle. Kolkata: ESPACE, 2015.

[1] James I. Packer, “Holy Spirit,” in New Dictionary of Theology (eds. Sinclair B. Ferguson, David F. Wright, and J. I. Packer; Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter-Varsity, 1988), 316-19.
[2] Packer, “Holy Spirit,” 318.
[3] Tunchapbo, Jesus Tradition in Paul and Pauline Circle (Kolkata: ESPACE, 2015), 112.

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